hari ini printer canon MP145 di kantor lagi error karena tinta habis dan tetap di paksa untuk print, sehingga terjadi error E5 kebetulan kemarin OGB memposting code error MP145, MP150, MP160 yang menunjukan bahwa E5 di MP145 adalah catrigde tinta tidak terpasang dengan baik atau tinta tidak suport, langsung cari di internet ternyata sudah banyak yang membahas ini tetapi di coba di printer canon MP145 yang error tadi tidak bisa dan tetap muncul notifikasi itu. Setelah beberapa jam akhirnya ketemu juga di youtube tapi video bahasa inggris so correct me if i wrong
1. with the printer powered off but connected to power source, you must
2. press and hold the on/off button while holding the stop/reset button (hold down the on/off button until the power light lit green)
3. when the power light lit press the stop/reset button 2 times and then release the on/off button
this will bring your MP145 to the SERVICE MODE (number "0" in the 7 display and power light is green)
4. press stop/reset button 4 times with :
the 1 time = alarm led, light
the 2 times = on/off button led, light
the 3 times = alarm led, light
the 4 times = on/off button led, light
---> the number of the reset button pressing
--> 0 time green power off
--> 1 time orange service pattern print
--> 2 times green EEPROM print
--> 3 times orange EEPROM reset
--> 4 times green waste ink counter reset
--> 5 unplug cable power. (for MP145 / MP150)
--> 6 turn off power. (for MP160)
5. then press the on/off button 2 times(the 2 press will turn off your printer)
6. then turn on the printer and you'll see number 1 in 7 display and the alarm light not blinking
use with your own risk.
i used this trik and fix this problem
if that step not fix your problem then buy a new catridge or printer:D